
Maybe you will find information about this world....

What is Welcome to Royal Land?

It is a world full of nature and people with good will. We can also find all kinds of creatures like half monster and half human. mermaids, fairies, elves and many more!


C'est un monde rempli de nature et de personne avec bonne volontée. On peut retrouver tout sorte de creature aussi comme des moitié monstre et moitié humain. des sirène, des fée, des elves et beaucoup d'autre!

The characters



These characters are part of my very creative imagination! Some of the drawings made in my past and I modified it so that it gives a modern look!


Ces personnage la font partie de mon imagination très créative! Certain son des dessins faite par mon passé et je l'ai modifie pour que sa donne une allure ressente!


Where is Royal Land?

Royal Land is right next to Gacha World so people from each universe can just teleport and come to the other universe!


Royal Land est juste a côté de Gacha World alors les habitant de chaque univers peuvent juste se téléporter et venir dans l'autre univers!

A world like that has many things that the real world has but did you believe that the responsibilities and decoration are different. Like the cinema, they will put Gacha films, Documentary art and Lore of many games (I really liked this one from Undertale!).


Un monde comme ça a bien des chose que le monde réel a mais croyais vous que les responsabilité et décoration sont diffèrent. Comme le cinéma, ils vont mettre des Gacha Flims, Art documentaire et des Lore de beaucoup jeux (j'ai bien aimer celui de Undertale!).

The owners of Royal Land

These two "lovers" who lived in Gacha World had the idea of creating a new universe so they invented a universe which is now called Royal Land!


Ces deux "amoureux" qui habitaient a Gacha World ont eu l'idée de crée une nouvelle univers alors ils ont faite l'invention d'un univers qui s'appelle maintenant Royal Land

🎨 Q & A 🎭

Why i do a site web?

I made a site to provide more information about Welcome to Royal. The Lore is so big that I had to make some!

Is Welcome to Royal going to have a Game?

Welcome to Royal will have a game BUT it will take some time to find the voice actors, how to code, have a team, how to draw WELL and other things..

Is the creator of Welcome to Royal Land going to do a face reveal?

That's a great question...I don't know yet but I could do it if my classmates don't see that. 😅

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